Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ode ODE ode oDe OdE...Great!

Hello, face.
You have lots of thing.
Ears, lip, mouth, hair, head, nose, eyes, eyebrows..
Enough! I have you.
You have me. Do you know what it means?
You are my face...don't you know already?
You are best of my body. You have lots of function.
My feet's function is only can walk,or run.
My hands' function can be touch, grab, throw,e.t.c.
Hands can be second.
My belly's function can be keep circulate blood.
Sometimes we push foe by belly.
Belly can be weapon.
Belly, you are third.
I think it's done.
Sorry, fingernails and toenails.
You can do.....
Scrach, pinch, chop...
Dangerous weapons!!!
you can be 4th.
Nothing left.
I miss one thing!
I have to explain what function you have!
You can smell, stare, eat, drink, think(you have brain!), hear, 
you can tease your foe by your tongue
(never do this mouth I know you can control tongue) 
Winner is you!
My main point was this.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

3rd Person

 Today is a day Rafael has to go school. Before go to school, Rafael have to eat breakfast because his mom said so,  ate it. Breakfast was delicious. Now, he is going to school. Just before school bus arrive, he fly away by strong wind. He black out. After he woke up, he was in the Utopia! In Utopia, lions are live happily with deers!Fox's baby is living with sheep's baby!What a peaceful country. he came back to our home by strong wind one more time. He tell to my parents to find Utopia and live, but his parents just ignore what he is talking about. He thinks they are thinking he is crazy.

Great ode

  Dear. Jacket.

 Hello, I am Kevin.
 I am not a shrimp.
Remember that  please                                                                                                    
 I think you will get frostbite in hole body.
 It is to cold.
It is under -20c outside.
 If I was you, than I will get frostbite in hole body.
 I will be die!
The reason why you did not get frostbite is you are so kind.
 You are so kind, so you are heart is hot.
 You are heart is hot, so you can endure the cold.
 I know you are kind because you protect me from cold, sharp wind.

                                                                       From, Kevin


Thursday, January 20, 2011

3rd Person

Today is a day Rafael has to go school. Before go to school, he have to eat breakfast because his mom said so, he ate it. Breakfast was delicious. Now, he is going to school. Just before school bus arrive, he fly away by strong wind. He black out. After he woke up, he was in the Utopia! In Utopia, lions are live happily with deers!Fox's baby is living with sheep's baby!What a peaceful country. I came back to our home by strong wind one more time. I tell to my parents to find Utopia and live, but my parents just ignore what I am talking about. I think they are thinking I am crazy.

1st Person

I have to eat breakfast. So, I ate it. Next, I have to go school, so I went. Before I go to school, strong wind blow me to Utopia. Utopia was wonderful place. I wish every people can go there.

                                                           -   Jae Hwan Hwang -

Out of my window- Compare Zannilya and me

Zannilya is an one person who is in Highrise.Zannilya likes to rap like me. I like rap. She likes music a lot. Everyone know that I can speak English.    Zannilya can speak, too. She can also speak Dutch, Papiamento, German, and Spanish. I wish I can speak too.
I think Zannilya did hard work for learn this languages. I have to work more than now to speak as her.
She is a Buddhist. In she's house, there are lots of sculpture. One old man is looks so silly. One little boy is too fat. That was sight was pretty fun.
 Zannilya's dad was a member of the disco band Boney M.Now I understand why she likes rap. Her dad is band so she always listen rap.....so that is reason why she likes rap.
 Bijlmermeer, an ambitious housing experiment, began in 1966.The first plan was to employ 60000people but it failed. So, it became ghost apartment. 1990, Bijilmermeer was reborn. It became good place. So, her family went to there. I think she has few friends when she was my age, because she was keep lost her friends because of moving. But, I stay in one place so I have lots of place.
 In 1992, an Israeli cargo plane crashed into 2highrises in Bijimermeer, killing 43 people. I think that could be trial to Zannilya because some people can be her freind and some people can be her close person. That can make her harder. Me, I did not get any trial to endure it. I do not have disaster such as Zannilya have.
 In conclusion, I think Zannilya get too difficult life to live.


But, she's face was always like this.



This is not funny
Make fun
Say hello my name is (   )or nice to meet you (     )
This is much better
I like it
You like it
We like it
That is perfect
Thank you