Thursday, January 13, 2011

My GLPS!!!!!!

 Today, I will write my diary. I 'm just joking. I did my speech today. Unfortunately, I left my note in my room!! But, I did my best. I have a chance next week. There is a--------------presentation!
 I will never left my note next time.
 Second thing is I write this one!


The rooster Lucky Lulu was sinking quickly. “Abandon ship! Everyone into the towers!” hollered Captain hwang . But the crew and passengers knew there were not enough towers, so they threw spanish cats, french El Cid , and even one beautiful girl overboard. Then everyone killed into the powerful water and grabbed onto whatever they could.
Captain hwang ordered everyone to form a line, tie their crafts together, and sing “lemon tree.” First in line were girl and William, bobbing in their wonderful gorrila. Next, came Rooney hanging on for dear life to a slimy elephant. They were followed by 89456121030315641574945121200064156578657230130103419526 others.
After 10000000000000000000000000 days, they were rescued by a strange tuna. Not one passenger from the Lucky Lulu has taken a boat ride again.


  1. So fun! French El Cid will swimming in the ocean.

  2. wow thats one funny, crazy, creative, and silly story!!!!!!!!!!

  3. very funny
    look at my stories too
