Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun Ode

 Dear. candle

Hello, candle.I am Kevin. If you want to see me, You will have to come to Korea, Minjok High School,
Domitory, Room 204, left room, third bed. I post a mail to you because you are a Minjok's symbol.
 You are in every student's bag, student's notebook, and almost everywhere. I envy you in that strenth.
 I have one more reason for post for you. The reason is you always burn yourself to make bright.
 But, you never complain about it. You perform your work well. I want to be like you. Is their any solution about be like you? If you have it, then please tell me that. That can be my birthday present. Today is my birthday. If you can please celebrate my birthday!

                                                                                               by. Jae Hwan Hwang       


  1. Happy belated Birthday Jae Hwan! You should have told me and I could have found a way to emberass you in class. Oh well...maybe next time.;) Good Ode with some nice philosophy in it.
