Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wacky Web Tales

An Odd Animal

The Patrick is an animal that has red fur with blue spots on its eyes and sword. Its tail is shaped like a(n) mountain which it uses to catch monkeys . An adult Patrick may weigh more than 101121213425612316035451123265443135416024174250235172135032173206412231562078621855626312068 pounds and stand over 151216548975145412357894121320024154413203212546848579512135795120232498462102032487941231020327489451320219879846510200046378904564123789410261056 feet high.
The Patrick can be found only in Russia and France. Although its favorite food is apples , it also likes to eat crazy pigs. If you ever see a(n) Patrick , be sure not to ever sing “.” That song makes it . Instead, give it a few apples and be on your way.


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