Friday, January 7, 2011

Writting Chain: If I could go back in time.....class 23......Kevin Hwang

Hello, my name is Kevin. My Korean name is hwang-jae-hwan. I am from Anyang, Korea. I like writting. So, that is one of my reason why I am writting now, too.Now, I will start it.
 If I could go to Japan, I wil bring tanks and new guns. Also, I will bring fighter plane. Then, Japan will be destroyed and lots of high people will be assossinated. Then, Japanese who controled Korea have to go back to Japan because Japan's many high people are hurt. Next, I will give Korean guns, tanks, and teach them how to use. Of course, I will bring the guidebook to teach them. 
 Third thing is to attack China. China is trying to steal Korea's history. Originally, we had some part of China's land when Korea was not developed (means Shin-ta and Go-Gu-Ryeo). Chineseare arguing with us with Go-Gu- Ryeo history. It si called " Dong- Book- Gong- Geong". Alsol, I think Chinese are becoming rude. They are developing now, so they think they might the world would be theirs soon. However, ti will not. By bringing best weapons in Korea, we, the Koreans can get the lands back that is in China now. 
 China's weapons will be similar to garbage after the attack of Korea,who is using best weapons. Then, Chinese will try to scare us not knowing they will be like garbage. They did not obey to us. Ha,ha. Then, I will make U.S.A into destruction period. And then, I will be the president of hole world.
 The fourth thing to do is meet many heros. Such as Napoleon, Jesus, and Pharaos. It will be exciting to meet them. Maybe I will be able to change history by helping them or being enemis of them. For example, there would be no period of Napoleon in France, and no hero named Napoleon. And also, if I meet Rick Rian, I would learn how to throw fastball. If I would make evidence that Jesus really exist and was alive 3days. If it is true that Jesus was alive again in 3days. I will be better student that goes church. 
 Next, I will go back when there was earthquake in Haiti. I will tell people to go to other country to avoid the earthquake. I will try to and will save many Haiti people.

My opinion: I think I have too big dream to do it.          


1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Kevin. How about a picture and a Capitalized Title? I think you should indent the paragraphs a bit more. Good work though! See if you can correct a few more spelling/grammar errors.
