Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ode ODE ode oDe OdE...Great!

Hello, face.
You have lots of thing.
Ears, lip, mouth, hair, head, nose, eyes, eyebrows..
Enough! I have you.
You have me. Do you know what it means?
You are my face...don't you know already?
You are best of my body. You have lots of function.
My feet's function is only can walk,or run.
My hands' function can be touch, grab, throw,e.t.c.
Hands can be second.
My belly's function can be keep circulate blood.
Sometimes we push foe by belly.
Belly can be weapon.
Belly, you are third.
I think it's done.
Sorry, fingernails and toenails.
You can do.....
Scrach, pinch, chop...
Dangerous weapons!!!
you can be 4th.
Nothing left.
I miss one thing!
I have to explain what function you have!
You can smell, stare, eat, drink, think(you have brain!), hear, 
you can tease your foe by your tongue
(never do this mouth I know you can control tongue) 
Winner is you!
My main point was this.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

3rd Person

 Today is a day Rafael has to go school. Before go to school, Rafael have to eat breakfast because his mom said so,  ate it. Breakfast was delicious. Now, he is going to school. Just before school bus arrive, he fly away by strong wind. He black out. After he woke up, he was in the Utopia! In Utopia, lions are live happily with deers!Fox's baby is living with sheep's baby!What a peaceful country. he came back to our home by strong wind one more time. He tell to my parents to find Utopia and live, but his parents just ignore what he is talking about. He thinks they are thinking he is crazy.

Great ode

  Dear. Jacket.

 Hello, I am Kevin.
 I am not a shrimp.
Remember that  please                                                                                                    
 I think you will get frostbite in hole body.
 It is to cold.
It is under -20c outside.
 If I was you, than I will get frostbite in hole body.
 I will be die!
The reason why you did not get frostbite is you are so kind.
 You are so kind, so you are heart is hot.
 You are heart is hot, so you can endure the cold.
 I know you are kind because you protect me from cold, sharp wind.

                                                                       From, Kevin


Thursday, January 20, 2011

3rd Person

Today is a day Rafael has to go school. Before go to school, he have to eat breakfast because his mom said so, he ate it. Breakfast was delicious. Now, he is going to school. Just before school bus arrive, he fly away by strong wind. He black out. After he woke up, he was in the Utopia! In Utopia, lions are live happily with deers!Fox's baby is living with sheep's baby!What a peaceful country. I came back to our home by strong wind one more time. I tell to my parents to find Utopia and live, but my parents just ignore what I am talking about. I think they are thinking I am crazy.

1st Person

I have to eat breakfast. So, I ate it. Next, I have to go school, so I went. Before I go to school, strong wind blow me to Utopia. Utopia was wonderful place. I wish every people can go there.

                                                           -   Jae Hwan Hwang -

Out of my window- Compare Zannilya and me

Zannilya is an one person who is in Highrise.Zannilya likes to rap like me. I like rap. She likes music a lot. Everyone know that I can speak English.    Zannilya can speak, too. She can also speak Dutch, Papiamento, German, and Spanish. I wish I can speak too.
I think Zannilya did hard work for learn this languages. I have to work more than now to speak as her.
She is a Buddhist. In she's house, there are lots of sculpture. One old man is looks so silly. One little boy is too fat. That was sight was pretty fun.
 Zannilya's dad was a member of the disco band Boney M.Now I understand why she likes rap. Her dad is band so she always listen rap.....so that is reason why she likes rap.
 Bijlmermeer, an ambitious housing experiment, began in 1966.The first plan was to employ 60000people but it failed. So, it became ghost apartment. 1990, Bijilmermeer was reborn. It became good place. So, her family went to there. I think she has few friends when she was my age, because she was keep lost her friends because of moving. But, I stay in one place so I have lots of place.
 In 1992, an Israeli cargo plane crashed into 2highrises in Bijimermeer, killing 43 people. I think that could be trial to Zannilya because some people can be her freind and some people can be her close person. That can make her harder. Me, I did not get any trial to endure it. I do not have disaster such as Zannilya have.
 In conclusion, I think Zannilya get too difficult life to live.


But, she's face was always like this.



This is not funny
Make fun
Say hello my name is (   )or nice to meet you (     )
This is much better
I like it
You like it
We like it
That is perfect
Thank you


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Betty Botter bought some butter,                                               
but, she said, the butter’s bitter;
if I put it in my batter
it will make my batter bitter,
but a bit of better butter
will make my batter better.
So she bought a bit of butter
better than her bitter butter,
and she put it in her batter
and the batter was not bitter.
So ’twas better Betty Botter
bought a bit of better butter.

My speech facts

Speaking at the conclusion of the ceremony was a medieval serf. It was a formal wedding, informal wedding's what it was.
To the Prince to marry a serf had to pay something called gyeolhonse. This is usually the husband, who pay the taxes side, the amount proportional to the married women had dowries. Dowry is a certain amount of women to men or to take the ownership of land as a condition of marriage for women was available. Or taking the family to marry her daughter was like a kind of inheritance. Ttuieojul dowry can not be two more than the poor if the family did not get the prince married three.
I saw the couple agreed on a dowry, the amount of benefits from a marriage that neither the cheoncha was manbyeol. Specifically, if the prospective bride women serfs or two Freedman is an outsider Lots of dowry, dowry is an ordinary serfs did little need.
In the medieval church, the promises of the current condition of marriage (yes, I am welcomed by my husband, John.), Followed by the promise of future regulations that were sent to the first night. And that the wedding should be punished publicly, and (the target nugudeon), the bride was required to pay the dowry.
The wedding the couple reached a consensus was achieved if both sides do not agree to this marriage that the marriage was invalid. (Eg, forced marriage), unlike most of the serfs, the nobility of love and marriage, premarital sex went to was not also a rare one.
Finally, when wedding, the bride and groom went to the church wedding is chirwotseup. At this point a couple of priests in the church banned kinship (depending on when the relatives of four villages or within six villages) was asked or not. Then the bride's dowry in possession of her husband, she stuck to the ring, after which some of the money donated to the poor. Inserted in the ring finger of the bride gave the fourth.
After the ceremony, the party was held at home or in a pub. Food and entertaining is usually bread, beer, meat, fish, etc. were.
Most formal wedding, the couple geochyeoteuna serfs, and some have even a secret marriage. The forest, bar, bedroom and undergoing a Lovers' Lane where my test is to promise to marry each other, women did not keep their promises, you often had to accuse the man.
Of premarital sex among commoners generally recognized, but simply to extort money from the prince to bet on premarital sex has been fined for establishing commons.
Prince was the first night, the bride can have a right or a right of choya, but usually, except the Prince of jeongbokji, exercised the right to choya Prince was very uncommon.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


                                                            <Leader of the Opposition>

 Our first argument : We can save our money.
 Reason : It takes many times to buy new clothes. Also, new cloth can cost more than school uniforms.
 Our second argument : Do not get discourage if you can not buy an expensive clothes.
 Reason : Wealthy students can make outcast to poverty students.

Diamante Poem

                                                             strong, brave 
                                                     running, working, moving  
                                                      lion, tiger, snake, rabbit
                                                  sleeping, talking, complaining                 
                                                            weak, mean

Fun Ode

 Dear. candle

Hello, candle.I am Kevin. If you want to see me, You will have to come to Korea, Minjok High School,
Domitory, Room 204, left room, third bed. I post a mail to you because you are a Minjok's symbol.
 You are in every student's bag, student's notebook, and almost everywhere. I envy you in that strenth.
 I have one more reason for post for you. The reason is you always burn yourself to make bright.
 But, you never complain about it. You perform your work well. I want to be like you. Is their any solution about be like you? If you have it, then please tell me that. That can be my birthday present. Today is my birthday. If you can please celebrate my birthday!

                                                                                               by. Jae Hwan Hwang       

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My GLPS!!!!!!

 Today, I will write my diary. I 'm just joking. I did my speech today. Unfortunately, I left my note in my room!! But, I did my best. I have a chance next week. There is a--------------presentation!
 I will never left my note next time.
 Second thing is I write this one!


The rooster Lucky Lulu was sinking quickly. “Abandon ship! Everyone into the towers!” hollered Captain hwang . But the crew and passengers knew there were not enough towers, so they threw spanish cats, french El Cid , and even one beautiful girl overboard. Then everyone killed into the powerful water and grabbed onto whatever they could.
Captain hwang ordered everyone to form a line, tie their crafts together, and sing “lemon tree.” First in line were girl and William, bobbing in their wonderful gorrila. Next, came Rooney hanging on for dear life to a slimy elephant. They were followed by 89456121030315641574945121200064156578657230130103419526 others.
After 10000000000000000000000000 days, they were rescued by a strange tuna. Not one passenger from the Lucky Lulu has taken a boat ride again.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wacky Web Tales

An Odd Animal

The Patrick is an animal that has red fur with blue spots on its eyes and sword. Its tail is shaped like a(n) mountain which it uses to catch monkeys . An adult Patrick may weigh more than 101121213425612316035451123265443135416024174250235172135032173206412231562078621855626312068 pounds and stand over 151216548975145412357894121320024154413203212546848579512135795120232498462102032487941231020327489451320219879846510200046378904564123789410261056 feet high.
The Patrick can be found only in Russia and France. Although its favorite food is apples , it also likes to eat crazy pigs. If you ever see a(n) Patrick , be sure not to ever sing “.” That song makes it . Instead, give it a few apples and be on your way.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Writting Chain: If I could go back in time.....class 23......Kevin Hwang

Hello, my name is Kevin. My Korean name is hwang-jae-hwan. I am from Anyang, Korea. I like writting. So, that is one of my reason why I am writting now, too.Now, I will start it.
 If I could go to Japan, I wil bring tanks and new guns. Also, I will bring fighter plane. Then, Japan will be destroyed and lots of high people will be assossinated. Then, Japanese who controled Korea have to go back to Japan because Japan's many high people are hurt. Next, I will give Korean guns, tanks, and teach them how to use. Of course, I will bring the guidebook to teach them. 
 Third thing is to attack China. China is trying to steal Korea's history. Originally, we had some part of China's land when Korea was not developed (means Shin-ta and Go-Gu-Ryeo). Chineseare arguing with us with Go-Gu- Ryeo history. It si called " Dong- Book- Gong- Geong". Alsol, I think Chinese are becoming rude. They are developing now, so they think they might the world would be theirs soon. However, ti will not. By bringing best weapons in Korea, we, the Koreans can get the lands back that is in China now. 
 China's weapons will be similar to garbage after the attack of Korea,who is using best weapons. Then, Chinese will try to scare us not knowing they will be like garbage. They did not obey to us. Ha,ha. Then, I will make U.S.A into destruction period. And then, I will be the president of hole world.
 The fourth thing to do is meet many heros. Such as Napoleon, Jesus, and Pharaos. It will be exciting to meet them. Maybe I will be able to change history by helping them or being enemis of them. For example, there would be no period of Napoleon in France, and no hero named Napoleon. And also, if I meet Rick Rian, I would learn how to throw fastball. If I would make evidence that Jesus really exist and was alive again.in 3days. If it is true that Jesus was alive again in 3days. I will be better student that goes church. 
 Next, I will go back when there was earthquake in Haiti. I will tell people to go to other country to avoid the earthquake. I will try to and will save many Haiti people.

My opinion: I think I have too big dream to do it.          


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hellooooooooooooooooooooooonice to meet you. My name is Kevin. What's your name? I want to know about it. As soon as you see this, We are all friends. So, I think we all have to know each other's name.
 If you don't wants to say your real name, then you can write your blog name.
 Nice to meet you, and I will be back soon!!